Corbin started school today at Kaysville Elementary. We never sent him to any kind of preschool or kindergarten, so it was literally his first day being out of the house on his own all day. He did great and absolutely loved it.
He is in a hand picked class for the gifted and talented program in our school district and as such ended up with rather skewed proportions; 18 boys to 4 girls, which he thinks is pretty great! (We'll see if he still likes those odds in 10 years ;) For now he has lots of friends to choose from and is excited to spend his day with so many boys... they were apparently all reading and discussing
Captain Underpants books today during their free time.
Last night Caleb was able to give him a blessing that he would make friends, be a good example listening to his teacher and following the rules and be successful and learn in school. Corbin then mentioned how excited he was for today, because there were going to be two good things in one day... going to school and having family home evening. Once he was out of earshot, Caleb told me I had raised a little dork, but I'm okay with that :)
This morning he was up and dressed in about .2 seconds. I let him help me pack his lunch and get his stuff together, I drew out brushing teeth and doing his hair and basically tried to fill as much time as I could with him, but we were completely ready to go and out of things to do with 45 minutes to kill still. So the two of us went to eat bagels for breakfast at one of his favorite places on our way to the school.
The original plan was to drop him off, but he was so loaded down with all his new school supplies, home-packed lunch, medications to take to the school nurse, a box of vegan snacks for when others kids bring in treats and some classroom donations, that I ended up walking him in to help carry everything.
When I arrived to pick him up, I was so excited to hear all about his day and he tells me, "we didn't do any work, we just did fun stuff all day." I asked him what fun stuff he did, and all I could get out of him was that they did a scavenger hunt around the school, ate lunch and went to recess. I assume they had to have done more than that during the time he was gone, but he is a boy and not real chatty, so that was pretty much it.
I did find a worksheet in his backpack were they had to find people in their class that met certain criteria and have them sign in the corresponding box. 90% of the boxes on Corbin's worksheet were signed by some kid named Easton. I asked Corbin about him and he informed me that that was the kid he sits next to... good job branching out buddy, glad to see you really embraced the purpose behind that assignment :)
I also found a paper he had filled out about himself:
Throughout the remainder of the day he slowly opened up and told us a little bit more about the things he did. He said they said the pledge of allegiance and he was excited he already knew it. He also told me that they each are assigned a job to help out in the classroom each week and this week he is in charge of straightening up all the books, and he said he was lucky to get that one this week, because they aren't really doing any work out of the books, so he doesn't have to do anything.
After school I made a couple of batches of vegan cookies with all the kids.
Normally I am too strict to feed my kids cookies for a snack, but it somehow seemed necessary and so nostalgic to make cookies on the first day of school. Then we got ready for our 'double fun' activity of the day and enjoyed a fun family home evening together.
Overall he seemed to have loved it, and can't wait to go back. He is such an easy going kid, he told me he wasn't nervous and really didn't act anxious at all, despite having never been in a school environment before. In other words, he adapted well and you would have never guessed he was the nerdy home schooled kid :)