Saturday, January 30, 2010


From the time Corbin was quite little he has always been in love with "shows." Even before I let him start watching TV he would pull all the dvds off the shelf at our house (and typically at other people's houses as well) and tote them around with him.

So, recently I let Makelle start watch the Baby Einstein's Sign Language video, and I think she may instantly be just as addicted as her brother.

(She really did start out sitting on the couch, far from the screen.)

It has, however, taught her sign language pretty well. She started saying "more" and "all done" right around 10 months and can now sign "mommy" "daddy" "milk" "drink" "bye-bye" "eat" "sleep" "cereal" and a couple other things I believe.

She also got a Sesame Street Babies music video for Christmas that we let her watch and has instilled a love of dancing in her. I am afraid she may already be very "girlie" because Corbin never cared about dancing this much or this young.

Cute little girl... I just have to remember that in a few years when I am stuck at ballet recitals every weekend :)