Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ogden Marathon

Yesterday Caleb ran in the Ogden Marathon relay. He was on one of two teams from his accounting firm and he ran the final leg, which was a 5K. Although they haven't posted his final time yet, he did really well and pushed himself coming across the finish line. And most importantly his team beat the other Tanner team, so they now have bragging rights around the office.

Our sister-in-law also ran yesterday, she completed the half marathon, so Corbin's cousin was there and the two of them had a lot of fun cheering on all of the runners. (At least they did at first, there was about an hour and half in between Tori's race and when Caleb finished and they got a little restless, but overall they did really well.)

And of course Makelle was her perfect little baby self and just slept the whole time. It always feels good to get outside and enjoy these nice summer days!

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