Saturday, May 23, 2009


We decided to go camping last night with some of our friends. It was so much fun, even though we had to take off pretty early today to get home and get things done around the house and with work.

Roasting hot dogs with Dad:

Roasting marshmallows with Mom:

Makelle had so much fun on her first camp out!

What is it with boys and sticks? His buddy Chance came along and they took turns poking at the dogs until they were told to stop, then they started poking eachother.

Making boats to race down the stream:

Riding in a real boat (canoe):

He was oh so helpful with his own paddle... "I do it myself!" I am shocked we didn't ever have to fish his oar out of the water.

Thanks to Harm and Derek for organizing everything, we loved it!

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