Thursday, May 21, 2009

Comfy? Cozy

It doesn't matter what position I lay her down in, or how many blankets I prop up under her. This is how we find Makelle every morning:

Not only is it creating a flat spot on the side of her head, but it can't be good for her muscle development. We even got her the nice memory foam infant pillow to help prevent flat spots, but as you can see, she wiggles off of it every night.

I put her on her stomach on Tuesday during the day to help her and she managed to roll over onto her back to assume her favorite position. Seriously?! Corbin couldn't do that until he was almost 5 months old. She hasn't been able to roll again since then (naturally, since I had the camera ready this time) but she did come pretty close.

You will notice that the camera keeps leaning to the side, it is kind of annoying to watch. I didn't realize that I was doing that at the time though... it's like when you play video games and you need to turn and it looks like you might not make it, you start to lean your body the direction you are going in hopes of willing the little character on screen to bend with you. I guess I thought that if I leaned with the camera she would suddenly absorb some of my leaning and flop the rest of the way over. Didn't work, go figure!

1 comment:

derek said...

Cute little girl.