Friday, April 27, 2007

Yay for Caleb, Again!

Caleb's professor just nominated him for the CPAexcel Scholarship from, which gives him free access to CPA study materials, online tutors and other helpful things that I forgot about, but all together it is valued at $1200! Now he will be able to pass the CPA exam and become a highly successful accountant.

Also last night we played Settlers of Catan with Jenna and I beat Caleb!! (He says I am highly competitive, but I think posting my victory on the Web for the whole world to see, disproves that!)

As Corbin is getting older, his hair is getting longer. This isn't the best picture, but you can see we tried to style it, but it might still be a little short for that we discovered. And while his hair is growing in, mine is falling out, I heard you lost some of your hair after having a baby, but this is ridiculous! Oh well, he was worth it.

Oh ya, 8 days.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Nice hair! We're still waiting for Rachel's to grow. I hope it is true when they say, "Good things come to those who wait."