Saturday, April 21, 2007

Congrats to Corbin

Corbin rolled over from his stomach to his back this morning while playing with his toys. (Then proceeded to fall asleep, apparently it was quite exhausting.) He has been doing this for about 2 months on our bed, where it was slightly inclined and softer, so he sinks down a little. But today was the first time we have seen him do it on the hard ground, so we were pretty excited for him.

Also here are some of his cute Easter pictures:

Corbin with his Dad in his cute Easter outfit from his Grandma and Grandpa Lloyd (he doesn't so much love the hat, so it only lasted on his head long enough to take a quick picture and then he was done with that).

Here is Corbin with his Easter basket. He really had no clue what was going on, but was excited to play with his new toys. He also got some much needed new pajamas, since he couldn't straighten his legs out in the old ones anymore. And some baby rice cereal with little spoons. We tried to feed him his first serving of cereal that morning, but needless to say, things didn't go so well. As soon as it hit his tongue he made the most disgusted look, eventually swallowed it and then started crying. We pretty much discovered he hated it and decided we will try again in a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

What a cute blueberry

Caleb said...

Hmmm...I wonder who this anonymous blogger could be, perhaps his first name ryhmes with Shmameron?

Anonymous said...
