Saturday, July 9, 2011

Seth Greyson Miller

I had a doctor's appointment in the morning were I was told I wasn't even dilated to a one yet and nothing was happening. My doctor scheduled me for some stress tests and arranged an induction for the following week then sent me home. A couple of hours later and I started going into labor.

We had planned to take the kids to Seven Peaks, since Caleb had the day off, but my back started hurting and Makelle was pretty ornery and tired, so we stayed home while the boys went off on an adventure. By the time they got home the sore back had turned into contractions. Caleb was suppose to play soccer that night so we thought he'd go to his game and then we could go drop the kids off at my parent's house and head to the hospital, but 30 minutes later I was starting to hurt, so we just skipped soccer and went in around 8 o'clock.

Well my doctor had left on vacation that night so his on call doctor had to come and deliver me, which meant that when we arrived they made me walk the halls for a couple of hours before they could determine that I was indeed in active labor and would official admit me. So it was close to 10:30 before I got admitted and he was born a few hours later at 2:49 am.

It was a lot more difficult having a baby in the middle of the night, that is a tiring process, but we are so grateful to have him here and that everything went well and he is healthy and happy (most of the time :)

7.7.2011, Happy Birthday Seth!

8 lbs. 12.2 oz, 22 inches long.

First bath.

New family photo.

Bonding with Mommy.

Father and son.

Ready to head home!


Purnell Family said...

Mindy!! He is so precious!!I am glad that everything went well :) Congratulations!! Your family is beautiful!

harmony marie said...

I really like his name...when would be a good time to come visit? Maybe Friday?

Brey, Hillary, Leila & Lydia said...

congrats! seth is so cute! what a great family!