I actually remember him holding himself with a diaper on screaming, "I gotta go potty!" and people with us thinking it was pretty funny. But I think I am just going to have to accept that that is not going to work with Makelle.
The other problem is at this age, we had switched Corbin to a toddler bed, so I could expect him to start to learn how to get up and go potty on his own in the morning or during nap time, when we introduced sleeping in underwear.
However, until we are able to get a new house with room for a twin bed for Corbin, he will be retaining ownership of the toddler bed and Makelle is staying in the crib. So I don't know how to teach her to go potty when she is caged in.
Then today I was changing the sheets on the kids' beds (which I usually remove the mattress from the crib to do, especially with a growing belly, it just seems easier) and decided to leave the mattress on the floor tonight to see how she even did going to sleep without being locked in.
I actually only had to go in their room once because they were both crying about being hungry (there is always something :) but then they settled down pretty quick, so I snuck in to go check on them and this is what I found:
Melts your heart a little bit--and makes you feel bad at the same time. Corbin hardly even fits on that little bed anymore, let alone letting his sister climb into bed with him. At least baby doll looks comfy! They are so precious. I love that they are still such good friends (most of the time :)
So fun. They sure are funny. I also like how Mykell has the majority of the little bed.
Dawn's kids all share beds (boys with boys and girls with girls). It saves her space, and she says it builds relationships. You might be on to something.
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