Thursday, March 20, 2008

Children's Museum

Today I took Corbin to the Ogden Children's Museum with Tori and Rachel and Rachel's cousins. He had a really good time, and it was fun to get out of the house and have him play with, or should I say play around, other kids. For the most part he hung out by himself. So far he doesn't seem to like other kids his age, but he will play really well with adults and older kids.

He loved picking up vegetables out of the garden, if only he would eat real vegetables at home.

Here is our little firefighter, he liked wearing the hat most of all, after we took it off he kept patting his head and pointing back towards it.

Corbin has been really into animals lately, so he liked the fish exhibit, here he is showing us what a fish says.

He is already better than me at using chop sticks :(

Here he is enjoying some fine Asian cuisine with his cousin. They were pretty cute "pretending" to eat together. I think that part of the pretending was merely attempting to really eat, only failing since it was plastic.

And finally, forget McCain, Vote Corbin for President!

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