Monday, July 7, 2014

Lloyd Family Reunion

We attended a family reunion near Boise for my Dad's family over the weekend.  We got to the campsite and quickly claimed a cabin that was near the parking area so we wouldn't have to haul our stuff very far.  We then realized this was the cabin farthest away from the main lodge area and spent most of the weekend hiking back and forth every time we realized we need to get something.  It also happened to be at the highest point on the mountain, which provided a great view and the world's coldest night as we felt like we were in a wind tunnel, serving as a beacon for all the cold air in the entire state.  The kids were crying and freezing, no one slept, at one point I had both of the little boys in my sleeping bag with me, and the older two cuddled together in the baby's playpen where they were less likely to kick off their blankets.  It was down right miserable.  We had convinced Uncle Cameron to come up with us, and I am pretty sure he won't be letting that one go for awhile :)

Now that we are past that terrible night though, we can admit that the rest of the trip was worth it.  The kids swam in cold water, while I sat on the edge like a wuss and watched.  Seth bought a Hulk action figure at the family auction that he hasn't put down since.  The kids befriended their second cousins.  We ate yummy food and got to visit with family.  The whole family participated in a testimony meeting that brought everyone together. Caleb and the kids climbed a steep mountain, then noticed the "NO HIKING" sign on the way down.  Overall it was a great experience, despite the terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad night :)

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