Monday, March 23, 2009

No. I'm not tired.

I don't know how other people do it, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get my child to take a nap. And it is definitely not that he isn't tired:


Victoria said...

That is funny. Rachel's naps are only about an hour now, so I have to study quickly these days.

Jacob Miller said...

Look at him fight off the encroaching sleepyness of evil. Maybe he gets awesome nightmares like I do. :)

Dannelle said...

I had to take all of the toys out of Josie's/James's room so that Josie would take a nap. It worked. Josie also loves to take naps in her now bare and empty closet. She puts her pillow, blanket and stuff animal in there and then shuts the door. I have tried to get her to not do this but it is a losing battle. I will take what I can get because I know that her napping days are coming to an end.

Caytee said...

That is hilarious! It's hard to believe that everyone has kids and are all...grown up! Good to see that you are doing well!

Charity said...

That looks all to familiar! What a cutie.