Saturday, July 21, 2007

Big Trouble

Corbin has reached some big milestones lately...

The last few weeks he has really been working on learning how to crawl. He can do three or four "crawls" and then plops down and continues scooting along. Which means he can now get into everything!

He has also figured out how to pull himself up to a standing position while holding onto the furniture. We lowered his crib mattress so that he wouldn't fall out, but there doesn't seem to be a lower-the-floor option to protect him from falling around the rest of the house, so we have been dealing with a lot of bonks and plops while he works on figuring out how to get back down from standing.

And finally, he now has two sharp little teeth! We aren't quite as excited about these painful little additions, but he does seem to sleep better and act calmer now that they have both finally broken through. It is hard to see, but here is a picture anyway, it is the light area just next to his tongue.

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