Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Festivities

To get in the holiday spirit (and to occupy their busy little minds) we painted Halloween masks for Family Home Evening this week. It was pretty cute. They LOVE to paint, but I seem to struggle with letting them sometimes… I just get too lazy to deal with the all the work of getting things ready and cleaning up after toddler painting projects. But they are getting better and Makelle actually kept most of her paint on her mask rather than on herself this time, so we may get to do more painting in the future… we’ll see how ambitious I get :)

Grandma Lloyd make the kids a Halloween count down calendar. Everyday, first thing in the morning we wake up to the kids yelling, “Mommy, look at what prize we got today!!” and waving some cute little trinket or treat in our faces. Let’s just say they definitely are enjoying the thrill of having something to look forward to each day. And surprisingly enough Makelle hasn’t even cheated and started taking things down prematurely either, so it also seems to be teaching patience at the same time! They do occasionally walk by and stop to inspect what is coming up and point out the things they are most excited about and what days they think will be the best. They really are at a fun age right now.

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