Yesterday Caleb took Makelle out on a daddy/daughter date. She got all ready... picked out her favorite pink dress and everything, and then informed Caleb, "You not kiss me on the date with scraaatchies." So he had to go and shave for her.
Almost every morning on the weekends if we are still in bed when Makelle wakes up, she climbs into bed with us and insists on cuddling up next to you. Only problem is her curly little hairs get all frizzy during the night and she ends up rubbing her annoying little fuzzy head in your face. So we tease her about her "fuzzies" and Caleb rolls over and attacks her with kisses, making her laugh and scream all at once, because she HATES the feel of his morning stubble rubbing against her. There is an on going battle between fuzzies and scraaatchies at our house.
After they got back, I asked her if she had fun and she told me she got pink ice cream, but next time she was going to get purple. (She is SOOO girlie!) I told her next time she was going to stay home and I was going to go on a date with Daddy, and she immediately corrected me and informed me that I don't get to go on a date with Daddy, only her. That little stinker is moving in on my man :)
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