I cut Corbin's finger nails yesterday. You would really need a video of this to truly understand how ridiculous the child is, but he basically walks around with his fingers spread out (similar to what you would do if you had freshly painted fingernails and you were waiting for them to dry) and refuses to touch anything for about 6 hours after you cut them. No joke.
Yesterday I also cut his toenails. While I was cutting them, he named them. I am not sure where this came from but he then referred to his toes as their new names for the remainder of the day. For example, after stubbing his toe: "Ow! My Wall-e hurts" or "I kicking it with my captain."
Also, this past week we watched Snakes on a Plane on TV. It is on cable a lot this month I think, it wasn't the best movie, but it was laugh out loud good to see their editing job. Normally when they edit shows for TV and there is a swear word they replace it with a gentler version of the same word. The "S" word becomes "shoot," etc. Well here they decided to go with what appeared to be any random word that started with the same letter. There were a lot of good ones throughout the show, but the one I remember best is when, in the center of an intense scene, they replaced "M----- F-------" with, "when I get off this Monday to Friday plane..." Needless to say it was hard to feel frightened or tense when you are laughing at ever little edit.
Friday night was our ward party. It was a talent show/dance party. Corbin got a glow-in-the-dark bracelet and learned the Macarena and the YMCA song. He was pretty good at "shaking his bum" and jumping. Again we needed a video of it, because he has quite the little moves.
Final tidbit... I have been trying to teach Corbin comparisons: "The dog is taller than the cat, but the cat is taller than the mouse." When asked to compare how big things are, "I am bigger than Makelle, Daddy is bigger than me, and Mommy is bigger than Daddy." Mommy is also bigger than Harm and Derek, the bed, the car, pretty much bigger than anyone or anything else. Either he doesn't fully get the concept yet, or I need to loose more baby weight than I thought.