Wednesday, November 12, 2008


A little while ago we bought Corbin a little potty chair. At first he would sit on it, with his pants on, and read books while I showered. Then he started asking to sit on the potty naked. So I let him try.

He seemed to like it, he would sit there for well over an hour and ask me to read him books. I was excited, thinking holy cow, this potty training thing is going to be a breeze, I haven't had to do anything yet, he's not quite 2, and he wants to sit on the potty chair. Great!

Then I discovered that he liked to sit there, for a long time, and the second he announced he was done, he would stand up, walk two steps and pee on the floor. This happened on numerous different occasions over the last month or so. Okay so clearly he isn't ready and does not understand the concept. But for some reason I kept letting him sit there and try whenever he asked.

So today he tells me he is all done after sitting there for about 45 minutes, and I grab the diaper, lay him down and get his bum covered as soon as possible, to avoid the inevitable accident on the floor. Then I notice, he actually did it! He peed in the potty chair before he got up!

So we celebrated big time with lots of hugs and congratulations and of course, lots of marshmallows (his favorite sugary treat). I still won't hold my breath, hoping that he is ready to potty train, I think that it was mostly luck and he's still too young, but either way, that was a pretty exciting moment for me.

Side Note:
No, he is not hugging his pee, the pictures were taken AFTER I had emptied and wiped down the chair :)


Victoria said...

Sweet! I hope it did work. You'll know soon I guess.

Ashley Miller said...

Hurray! Congrats to you and the Bean!

M. Fritze said...

so happy for your success. i had a couple months in there i was surely insane from the potty madness! always glad to hear when a mama makes it out with sanity!

Shauna@shwinandshwin said...

That is awesome that he sits on the chair! What a great moment!

derek said...

Hooray! Such a big guy!