Monday, November 19, 2007


Matt gave Corbin a Greenbay Packers outfit for his birthday, which Corbin wore today.

I actually took him out in public with the thing on... but I made sure to keep my distance from him, so that no one would know that we were together. I wouldn't want to be associated with supporting that horrible team.

However, Corbin unfortunately seems to like it, he is smiling in the picture... we will have to work on that.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that by you ment that Boo was wearing the Packers.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and by ment I meant, meant

Anonymous said...

Mindy even if you didn't mean it that way that's improper grammer the correct grammer would be GO PACKERS!!!

Elise said...

Hey cousin Caleb and cousin-in-law Melinda! I'm glad I found your blog (from your facebook page, Caleb). Sounds like you guys are doing great! I guess I'll see you at Jake's wedding next month! Your little guy is so cute!

Caleb said...

No I am pretty sure that I meant, Boo to the Packers. Especially since there was no Boo wearing the Packers, only a Corbin (or Bean).